"As long as there is chocolate, there will be happiness." - Wayne Gerard Trotman

IKEYONI 巧克力專賣店 是由來自倫敦的IKE與台灣的YONI一起成立的巧克力品牌,對於熱愛巧克力的我們來說,生活是不能沒有巧克力的。所有的東西都是由台灣的工作室手工製作,經典純樸厚實的巧克力原味,充滿手感溫度,希望藉由巧克力傳達一種前所未有的經驗和享受。


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  • Who?

    The courage to be original...

    We are helping spread arowth and fulfillment by seeing the extraordinary things in all people. Love may have brought us together but every one of you is welcome along on this journey. Join Us.

  • What?

    ...matched with an inquisitive penchant for novelty,...

    Chocolatiers and Events

    Giving you more of the added value with:

    100% of the Flavours

    100% of the Sounds

    100% of the Sights

    100% of the Scents

    100% of the Feeling

  • Why?

    ...staying committed to being inclusive...

    Because we have long sensed that something was amiss with chocolate, less of an experience more of an unemotional transaction, to purchase a single product with nothing truly meaningful behind it. In short a taste that was all too fleeting so we felt compelled to add more value in ways never considered possible.

  • Where?

    ...All the while having fun.

    After spedning all week making our uniquely flavoured and styled chocolate in our private studio we prepare it all for you at our oline store